Contact Us
Village Bible Church
10600 N. May
OKC, OK  73120
Main Service @10:30am
(Childcare Available)
Connect Groups @9am
Children & Students @9am
Young Adults @9am
Berean Groups (Afternoon)
Fellowship Meal @5:15pm
Prayer Meeting @6:00pm
Children’s Ministry @6:00pm
Student Ministry @7:00pm
Adult Bible Study @6:30pm
Music Ministry @6:30pm
Ministry Partners
Social Media
Only He Saves
A Relationship With JESUS Begins With The Simple Acronym A-B-C:
A. Admit you are a sinner in need of His forgiveness, grace, & love
-you committed sin against your Creator, a Holy God Who will forgive if you seek Him
-grace is God’s unmerited favor towards you, you cannot earn salvation by doing “good works”
-accept the free gift of salvation (eternal relationship with God) offered in Jesus Christ alone
(Romans 3:21-26, Romans 6:21-23, Romans 5:1-9, Ephesians 2:1-10)
B. Believe in your heart that Jesus is Who He claimed to be & died for your sins & rose again
-trust that Jesus’ death on the Cross paid the penalty for your sin & the whole world
-trust that Jesus defeated the wages of sin & death with the resurrection (Jesus lives today!)
-trust that Jesus keeps you eternally secure, NOTHING! can separate you from His love 
(1 Corinthians 15:3-5, John 3:16-17, John 1:12, Acts 4:12, Romans 8:31-38)
C. Confess with your mouth He is Lord & commit your life to Him
-your life is not yours, it belongs to Jesus because He is your King (this is devotion)
-you are to live as Jesus prescribes, He teaches us how to live in His Word the Bible
-your passion is to make Jesus famous, to tell everyone about Him and enlarge His Kingdom
(Romans 10:9-10, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 28:18-20)
Follow up: Got Questions? Contact one of our ministers or our deacons at and we would be honored to help you take the next steps in becoming a follower of Jesus Christ (a disciple) by training you in God’s Word the Bible, teaching you how to pray, becoming part of a local Bible-believing church, and leading you to share your faith in King Jesus. Exciting!
Who We Are
A Lighthouse of Love where Jesus is King

We love Jesus.

We are here for King Jesus.

We love people.

God loves all & we do too.

We love serving.

Come serve others with us.
Core Values Which Shape Our Culture:
Core Aims To Cultivate:
1) Holy Spirit-Led 2) Prayer Culture 3) Outreach-Minded
Core Actions To Carry Out:
Be A People Of…
1) Prayer 2) Power 3) Proclamation 4) Passion 5) Preparation (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)
Core Advances To Commit To:
1) Multi-Generational 2) Multi-Ethnic 3) Multi-Socioeconomic
Core Assurances To Cherish:
1) Scripture 2) Love 3) Joy 4) Integrity
Are you a Guest and you’d like to be contacted and receive prayer for yourself or someone you know? Follow this link and fill out the Form and we’ll get back to you: Click Here

Pastor Ryan’s messages are streamed at Click on the image to the left. Recorded messages are uploaded to Youtube.




@Village we love children! And we get no greater joy than loving & teaching kids their purpose in Jesus!


Youth need Biblical truth. Join a fun & awesome atmosphere for disciplemaking at Village Bible Church!


@Village we have an outstanding music ministry and there’s something for all ages. Come join in the song and be blessed!


Disciplemaking is the lifeblood of the church. Join a Village Berean group or Sunday School class for discipleship.





Missions is not just something we talk about, we go do it. And we really have fun doing it!





Jesus has positioned our church right in our Village community and greater OKC for a reason. We joyfully serve.

Click Image For Secure Giving Site
Schedule @VillageBibleChurch
1) Special Sermon On Baptism & Lord’s Supper: Sunday Feb. 2
2) Zeal Corporate Worship Night Led By Young Adults, Sunday Feb. 2
3) Sermon Series On Village Bible’s Core Assurances, Feb. 9, 16, 23
4) Deacon Prayer & Fellowship, Sunday Feb. 9 @12Noon
5) Super Bowl Fellowship & Chili Cookoff, Sunday Feb. 9 @5pm
6) Quail Ridge Senior Center, Sunday Feb. 16
7) Village Berean Groups Start Again, Sunday Feb. 16 (Afternoons)
8) VBS Training Sunday Feb. 23 (in gym after big church)
Adult Connect Groups, 9:00am
Main Service, 10:30am
(Childcare Available)
Children/Student Sunday School, 9:00am
Village Berean Groups, Afternoon
Prime Time Choir, 4:00pm
Fellowship Meal, 5:15pm
Children’s Ministry, 6:00pm
Student Ministry, 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting, 6:00pm
Adult Discipleship, 6:30pm
Music Ministry, 6:30pm